Dit huis kent geen gewoonte
The installation ‘Dit huis kent geen gewoonte’ is a spherical experience that works both oppressive but simultaneously offers the opportunity to break free.
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A girl lives in an environment controlled by aggression and fear. The safety provided by a cradle does not exist in her world. She hums to disconnect herself from this reality, and dreams of a future she can't wait to live. She holds on to the security of her own mind and thoughts.
The child grows up, and notices the world around her is bigger and different than the one she's created in her head. The fundamental ideas about life as she formed them don't apply to this new world and have to be teared down and rebuilt. She has to invent her world all over again.
In the installation ‘Dit huis kent geen gewoonte’ Debora wants to take the visitor to her childhood and the search for her own self. The installation is an experience that is oppressive, but simultaneously offers the opportunity to break free.
Sound design Miamia